Century Dads

Century Dads is a group of dads who want to win personally and develop a winning strategy for the life-long spiritual journey their family. You will learn from Biblical dads such as Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. You will discover the powerful results of Jesus spending time with the Heavenly Father. Why is it called "Century Dads". Very simple answer. The things you will learn will outlive you- yes even 100 years! The group is 1 hour 15 minute meeting. You will experience sharing among others, skills training/teaching, and closing prayer support. Century Dads is led by Don Medley who is known for his leadership of men's groups and marriage and family groups. Don just simply wants dads to win. The Century Dads Workbook is $10 and should be purchased by cash or check at the first meeting. Meeting at Homemade Ice Cream and Bakery in Hamilton Town Center, 13230 Harrell Parkway.


TBD Fishers, IN 46038


Weekly on Thursday at 7:00 PM




Married with Kids, Men


Bible Study/Devotional, Family and Parenting, Marriage



Circle Leaders

Don Medley

Want to join Century Dads? Sign up here!

Please submit a signup for each individual who will be attending