Mo Spell’s Mission Trip

Trip Description: We will partner with Graceworks Alaska. ​Did you know that Alaska is the least church-attending state in the US? People think of Alaska as a tourist destination, but there is a giant need for the Good News of Jesus there! Most of the neighborhoods Graceworks serve are amazingly multi-ethnic. Three out of the top five most diverse communities in America are in Anchorage, Alaska and Graceworks serves in all three. Their goal is nothing less than a multiplying, church planting Jesus Movement in Alaska. They are committed to partnering with others in church planting, evangelism and discipleship. The housing is clean, comfortable and safe. The food is the best! And you will have time to see the beauty of Alaska while you are there!This trip is open to families with children ages 6+.

Ministry Opportunities Include: 

  • Feeding meals to the hungry, 
  • Running backyard Bible schools, 
  • Playing recreational games 
  • Creating crafts. 

Trip Dates: June 04, 2023 to June 10, 2023

Location: Anchorage, AK

Mo’s Story

This summer I have the special opportunity to serve alongside my daughter, Abby, in Alaska. My heart has been to equip and encourage women and children, and I'm excited to be able to help in this capacity. We will partner with Graceworks Alaska helping them with backyard Bible clubs, feeding meals, crafts and kids activities. Most of the neighborhoods Graceworks serve are amazingly multi-ethnic. Three out of the top five most diverse communities in America are in Anchorage, Alaska and Graceworks serves in all three. I appreciate all your prayers for both me and my daughter!

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